Make-Up Bags

These make-up bags are one of the first knitted items I gifted to friends. Each had their own initials in a different colour yarn. Attempting to do this on my own was a disaster. To start the new colour of the letter I would treat it as you would a new row of colour. I cut the yarn, then started the new colour, then I would cut that yarn and go back to the original colour. I assumed I would be able to knot the two coloured yarns together and somehow it would look good. Boy, was I ever wrong. Thankfully, when my mother saw what I was doing, she set me on the right path of holding the yarn in the back while I knit the other colour.

I love these bags, and I think they look great considering that at the time I was still relatively new to knitting. I have been using mine for about 2 years and it is still in great condition.

Make-up bag
Make-up bag

Happy Knitting,


Ashley Fernandes

I love knitting! Everything from the yarn, to the needles, to the finished product make me happy. I am here to share my passion with all of you.
Happy Knitting

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