WIP Wednesdays

The daisy stitch baby blanket that I’ve been knitting is coming together much slower than I anticipated. I was trying to stick to a schedule but my husband was sick last week and his work schedule has been sporadic which in turn means my schedule has been thrown off balance. So I’ve only managed to knit up a few rows …

Work In Progress Wednesdays

I often wonder how many times I can talk/write about my work in progress before I bore my readers. I don’t want to mention it in every post (unless its something spectacular). But I finish small project within a few days and I often forget to mention them when I tell you what I’m working on. So I will start …

Knitting & Arrested Development

Only three sleeps left until the glorious return of Arrested Development. I am ridiculously excited and can’t wait to see the crazy antics of the Bluth Family. I’ve been trying to catch up with past episodes so I’ve been watching and knitting. Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), I still manage to laugh out loud in almost every episode. And I …

Long Weekend

Happy Long Weekend to everyone!!!Β Today feels extra special because the weather is so gorgeous. Everybody is out and about, either cleaning their cars or playing in the park and taking their dogs for a walk. Just an awesome day! I’ve been cleaning, getting ready for Easter Sunday with the in-laws. I dropped a 12 lb Turkey on my big toe …

Early Morning Knitting

There is something comforting about waking up early and knitting before the sun comes up. It’s the feeling of accomplishment before the day even begins. I am not a morning person, never have been and probably never will be. I need some quiet time to wake my mind and I have never understood people who don’t need this. My dad …

Spring Ahead

As you all know, Sunday was Daylight Savings, and we all lost an hour. Normally, this would have tarnished my whole day, but yesterday the sun was shining, the snow was melting, and we had a great afternoon BBQ with friends. The best part was that at 6:30 pm the sun was just starting to set. Summer is coming and …

Smaller Projects

I find that when I am working on large projects, I often get anxious because they take a while to complete. So I end up taking breaks and completing other smaller projects. This is the case with the Cabled Baby Blanket I’m creating. It’s taking much longer than expected, and in the meantime I have completed numerous smaller projects. The …