2016 Goals – Update

At the beginning of the year I made a handful of 2016 goals. I’ve had a hard time keeping up with them in the past, but this year I’d like to complete all (or most of) my goals. In order to hold myself accountable, I’m going to update all of you on these goals throughout the year. 2016 Goals: 1. …

Weaving in Ends

I hate weaving in ends. I mean hate it. If I could avoid them altogether I would. Since I can’t hire someone to sit there in weave in my ends for me, I’m left to weave them in myself as I tell myself I can finish this before the baby wakes up. Finishing a project feels great, well finishing the …

Organizing Projects

I have such a sophisticated way of organizing projects it’s unbelievable. And boy does it ever look classy. Hahaha. All kidding aside my secret for organizing projects is simple: Ziploc Bags. That’s right, extra large sandwich bags. Why I Love Organizing Projects With Ziploc Bags They are big. Really big. If I’m using the extra large bag, I can usually …

Baby Shower Gifts

I have a set of baby shower gifts that I have been making for each new baby in our family and/or circle of friends. It started as a fluke. The first baby in the family I made a blanket as a baby shower gift, then a stuffed elephant when she arrived from the hospital and the Muti Dress for her first …

WIP Wednesdays

I only have one project on the go to include in my WIP Wednesdays this week. It’s not my usual amount but I’m trying to get a few items in the mail asap for baby Middleton #2. I’m almost finished the crocheted dog. The pattern can be found here on Etsy from the shop LovelyBabyGift. I made a few alterations with colour, adding extra …

Knitting or Crochet

I always get asked which is better, knitting or crochet. And for non crafters I’m sure they’re looking for a simple answer but in reality there isn’t. Although they both use yarn, there a differences between the two and each has its own set of strength and weaknesses. Knitting Uses two needles to achieve finished product. Each hand holds a …

Works in Progress

I only have 2 works in progress. It’s a lot less than what I’m used to but it feels like I’m over my head in projects. It must be the new baby with the lack of time and the inability to give them my full attention. On a good day I can get James to sleep for 1.5-2hrs at a …

To Frog or to Tink

To frog a project: taking a project off the needles and ripping it back and undoing all the stitches. It gets it name from what your doing “rip it rip it” which sounds like a frog. To tink a project: undoing your work one stitch at a time until you reach your error. So you’re knitting backwards and it so …

James Joey Fernandes

Last year our little family of 3 (yes we consider our dog our fur baby) became a family of 4. James Joey Fernandes was born September 19th at 10:49 am weighing 8lbs 1oz and measuring 20.75″ long. Keith and I found out we were pregnant last January and we were thrilled to be expanding our family. Contrary to what everyone made …